
That’s what EMF INSPECTING is all about!

We will test your home or business and whatever electronic items you desire. After we check EMF levels we will give you the information you need to protect yourself and your family. Your special EMF Inspection will prepare you and your loved ones for the future. 

 Modern Technology has many Benefits.

Communication, speed and machines make our lives a lot easier. But it comes with a cost. One issue is the vast amount of radiation that we are exposed to. We cannot eliminate all our exposure to EMFs but we can reduce much of it. Research has proven and common sense tells us radiation is bad for us. It builds up in the body and causes problems and disease. By getting an EMF Inspection we can learn how to decrease our exposure and can give our bodies a fighting chance to stay healthy.

CALL: 651-230-9429. If we are busy please leave a message and we will get back to you ASAP. 


Every home and business needs an EMF Inspection for safety in our electronic age. Act now to Protect your family and loved ones. Email or call us and we will be happy to give you information and discuss your needs. We’re here to help and answer any questions you have. We look forward to hearing from you. Thanks & God Bless!- Jim & LaRae

Don’t delay, your family is depending on you!