We have a great selection of wonderful EMF Protection Products to keep you safe! We strive to offer products that really work to protect you from electromagnetic radiation. You can save money when you put in our code “emfinspect” at checkout for a discounts on items at:
Lessemf.com (great selection of emf protection products
Greenwave.com (dirty electricty protection products) and
Safelivingtechnologies.com (for paint protection products, meters, window film and more)
We would be happy to test any sources of EMFs for you. Futhermore, we can check the EMF protection products you are using to see if they are truly effective. Most Importantly, make sure to schedule your own personal inspection to get a professional safety inspection and for specific advice on using these great products.
Click here for Cell Phone Protection Products
Cell Phones are powerful and dangerous sources of EMF Radiation! Most people hold them to their heads, unaware of the radiation shooting into their brains. Because of this harmful radiation a person should use EMF protection products to be safe. It is best to use a corded headset, a corded handset, or corded earbuds for talking on the phone. In addition, you should shield your body by using a holster or case if you keep you phone in your pocket. Equally important, for the times you must bring in to your head, you can purchase a Cruz Case to be protected. Put in our code “emfinspect” at check out for a nice discount on all these items at lessemf.com.
Dirty Electricity EMF Protection Products
Greenwave Dirty Electricity Filters significantly reduce the amount of Dirty Electricity present on the wiring in buildings. As a result, with less dirty electricity flowing along your building wires, then less that will radiate into your environment. These filters plug directly into electrical outlets and power strips and they deploy state-of-the-art electromagnetic interference (EMI) filtering technology to keep you safe. Consequently, you can be certain and be safer with Greenwave Filters in your home or business. Enter the code “emfinspect” at checkout for a discount on all their products.
Whole House Dirty Electricity Filters
POWER PERFECT BOX: The Power Perfect Box is an amazing way to filter dirty electricity coming from the utility company in addition to your own home. Besides that, it will also save you money on your electric bill and give you surge protection, too. Call or email for more information and pricing. We can help you receive a large discount on these fantastic whole house filters! Call 651-230-9429 or email us emfinspecting.com.
EMF Meters & Inspections
Meters are a great way to check your home or work environment for hotspots. This will give you a general idea of what areas need help or remediation. However, we still strongly recommend having an EMF Inspection because a trained EMF Inspector can find problems you miss. We always discover danger areas in every place we test. Plus, every situation is different and we know how to find and fix your EMF radiation problems.
Click here for RF Meters
Click here for EMF Combination Meters
For the meters above put in the code “emfinspect” for a discount.
Meter Sale!
We have a great selection of EMF Meters available for you. You can receive a nice discount by putting in our discount code “emfinspect” for any of these fine EMF meters or all the other great items at the safe living site. The extremely accurate Gigahertz Solutions EMF Meters are backed by a 2 year manufacturer’s warranty.
Click here for WIFI Router Guards

For the router guards above put in the code “emfinspect” for a discount.
Click Here for ProOne Water Filters
ProOne Water Filters featuring G2.0 gravity technology give you clean fresh drinking water free of harmful toxins. These water filters are easy to use and provide refreshing pure water. There’s no electricity or plumbing required so they are great for everyday use and good even when there is a power outage. They have been Lab tested in the reduction of over 200 contaminants including heavy metals, fluoride, pesticides, herbicides, chlorine, bacteria, pharmaceuticals and more!
Click here for Smart Meter Shields

Smart Meters are being installed almost everywhere! They can be on your electric, water, or gas meters. Furthermore, many appliances are smart appliances that emit dangerous RF radiation into your home. Above all, have your smart meters tested and shielded if necessary!
Click here for Baby Protection

With the rise in autism, pregnant women should take every precaution with their developing unborn child. Truly, they should protect themselves as much as possible. For this reason, protective clothing, a belly band, a blanket or a laptop shield would be very beneficial. Be sure to use the code “emfinspect” for your discount.
Click here for Baby Monitor Shields

Our precious little ones are much more susceptible to the dangers of EMFs. In fact, their little heads do not have as much protection as adults. Because baby monitors are strong emitters of radiation, people need emf protection products to be safe from this dangerous radiation. Likewise, power lines can be dangerous and have been linked to childhood leukemia. In the same way, WIFI radiation in schools has adversely affected many children. We can test baby monitors, power lines, or schools and give safety recommendations to protect our precious children. Use the code “emfinspect” for a discount.
Click here for Bedding Protection
For bedding protection put in the code “emfinspect” for a discount.
Click here for Bed Canopies

Click here for EMF Shielding Clothing