Our Spiritual Life

Your spiritual life is the most important part of your life.  Because, your innermost spirit affects every other area including your body, mind and emotions. It’s a fact, that jealousy, bitterness, and unforgiveness (which are called sins in the Bible) make you sick, while joy, peace, and forgiveness  (the things that Jesus came to give us) make you healthier.

Jesus  loves us so much that He came to earth and died on the cross to take away our sins. He heals the sin-sick soul. When we accept Him as our Lord and ask Him to save us, we are forgiven and our sins are washed away. We get a new life!  Furthermore, the Lord Jesus loves us and wants us to be whole in body, mind and spirit. He can lift us from depression, set us free from addiction, put our minds at peace, and fill us with His love. There is hope today because of Jesus Christ.

We should do all we can to live a healthy life style. But we can also look to the Lord for health and healing. Jesus is still healing sickness and disease today, just like He did in the Bible. We may have many problems and struggles in this life.  The good news is that we will be blessed forever because Jesus promised eternal life for those who believe in Him. Heaven will be our new home when we leave earth and there will be no more sorrow, sickness, pain, or death. We will be forever well!

For the most important decision you will ever make see The Bottom Line

For more information on following Jesus visit Heavens Praise